
The TR3-B black Triangle

OrionSixNine wrote me this message today:

Have you read much on the TR3-B triangle?
Here is an article and a few videos on it.

I'm going to respond publicly since this is a very interesting aspect of UFOlogy and bears some thoughtful, measured response.

Regarding the "TR3-B", the term is a new one on me, but the stories associating the black triangles with Military Black Ops have been around since the mid-90's, and I've been hearing stories about the Aurora Program since then as well.

However, several aspects of the Black Triangle sighting don't make a lot of sense at first blush as military ops.
For one, in the 90's, there were several sightings, some from satellite even, of strange, corkscrew-shaped contrails. These were at the time attributed to the Aurora program and its newfangled propulsion system. Contrails of course don't make any sense given a gravity-reducing propulsion system:
mercury based [plasma],is pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres,at a temperature of 150 degrees kelvin,and accelerated to 50,000 RPM to create a super conducted plasma,resulting in gravity disruption

So that's a big question mark. Also, while I am not a physicist, I'm pretty sure plasmas are a state of matter between liquid and gas, so something cooled down to 150 degrees Kelvin (about -190 Fahrenheit, or -123 celsius) is more likely to be a Bose-Einstein condensate, not a plasma.
So while that could be just a misidentification one way or the other, the fact is they can't both be the Aurora project.
Also, these triangles are usually FRIKKIN HUGE, and are often seen gliding slowly and silently near population centers. Why the hell would the military fly their secret shit over big cities in places like Belgium or over Phoenix, AZ? They wouldn't is the answer.
I personally think the triangles are something else, and all this talk of the TR3-B is disinfo to keep people from utterly freaking out. After all, a secret military craft is a lot easier on the old reality buffer than giant black alien spaceships scoping out our population centers....

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