
several new still photos of interest

these are all from UFO Casebook, which is a great resource well worth perusing.

this one is the classic little old English lady UFO skeptic who only sees the UFO when her dog starts acting scared. She takes this tourist-perfect pic of a UFO next to some famous Brit cathedral.
If not for the accompanying testimony (always suspect, but not to be disregarded completely) it seems a bit too, as the English would say 'twee' for me, but I'll defer judgment until a photo analysis.

this one is a bit interesting, even though dating from three years ago, as it's one of those where the photographer didn't even see the object when he was taking the photo. Yet object there clearly is! The wacky French 'OVNI' blog that this came from is worth checking out too, if for no other reason that to see the only French person with no taste for design, at least not web design! This has got to be the most eye-searing site I've seen since 1995...

this one is from some amateur astronomer in Illinois (again Illinois! What's going on there?) from 3.20.09, when he caught some sort of object passing in front of the sun; again, skimpy but interesting photo evidence...

some kinda weird photo of something moving pretty quickly in the evening sky. From 3.17.09
These one-off photos are so limited in what they can tell us, most of the time.
But just the sheer weight of these reports has to mean something. Even if it is just a mass psychosis, as most skeptics would have us believe, why do we have that propensity? What is the nature of the sound and unshakeable belief that many UFO witnesses have that what they saw was not part of our normal reality?

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