
Stunning Daylight Disk footage from Italy

These are some of the clearest, most detailed daylight disk videos EVER.
They don't offer a great many reference points, but there are sufficient background details in the sky (like in one instance, a far-away passenger airliner) to make some good analysis.

here's a video of some English Bloke who thinks the Urzi guy is faking the video; after watching the demo I'm not convinced the Urzi footage is faked; the whatever-it-is in the Italian videos has a lot more depth of field to it, and in one of the clips starts out from much further away than i think the Italian dude could have faked from that tiny attic window. Just MHO of course...
'hoax' demo video: compare & contrast for yourself!


objects seen in Pakistan, Turkey

the video below seems to be a composite of several different videos taken of what was described as a 'huge' object hovering and doing manoeuvres described as 'not of this planet', over Lahore, Pakistan.

Also a hexagonal orange light was filmed by a Turkish Security Guard (Those Turkish security guards have all the luck! :D ) and his on 2 coworkers on April 23 in the early AM:
At first I couldn’t understand what I was witnessing. I saw this large object rising from the sea. It definitely wasn’t a plane or balloon. It was leaving a trail and it was glowing. My hands were shaking from the excitement. As it descended towards the sea I ran to the beach but then it began to rapidly rise eventually merging with the stars. It was hexagonal, orange and fluorescent. As far as I am concerned it was a definitely UFO

some interesting sightings from southern Asia

This video from Kashgar, China is pretty interesting, though nothing as spectacular as the two videos below. The footage dates from 2/18/9 and

Some other recent Asian sightings:


Two impressive videos of similar weird objects

Both of these videos are fairly startling, and both seem to show odd-looking objects with protrusions and no definable shape.
Both objects make no sound, and are traveling far too quickly IMHO to be 'balloons', research or otherwise. Anyone who has ever seen a balloon (and as someone 65 miles from the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, I've seen more than my share) knows that balloons don't move very quickly, even in high winds. Nor do they show any sort of lifting surface such as wings or rotors.
The first and shorter vid is from Germany this year, and has the added bonus of some other, smaller spherical objects seeming to buzz the primary whatever-it-is (shown in the slo-mo):

And the second from Canada last year (language warning!): (Oakbay, Victoria, British Columbia)


New revelations reveal Roswell Debris was extraterrestrial!

Startling news, if it can be confirmed!
props to the UFO Iconoclast for bringing my attention to this amazing story! I highly recommend you read his detailed article.
A former high-level scientist employed by the involved laboratory has offered a confession that he was tasked to study the crashed UFO material. Information provided by two U.S. Air Force Generals also offers direct support for this discovery.

The article details several documents and statements (among them those of two generals) concerning some classified metallurgical studies done on the infamous 'memory metal' alleged pieces of the Roswell crash of 1947, made famous by the revelations of Jesse Marcel, Jr, the son of the famous Army Major who made the initial investigation of what has become known as the Roswell crash. Another quote from the article:
Battelle scientist Elroy John Center has stated that he analyzed metal from a crashed UFO when he was employed by the Institute. Center was a Senior Research Chemist who worked for Battelle for nearly two decades, from 1939 to 1957. This has been confirmed by both his University of Michigan alumni files and by the location of scientific papers that he authored during his employment while at Battelle.

These documents and confessions seem to confirm not only the debris themselves, but also the US military's interest in them, and even subsequent 'discoveries' made as a result of the studies of the alien material!
double wow, if these can be confirmed. I'm trolling the web now for more info....

[Update 07/05/09] the 3rd part of the series was released recently, and has some interesting additional info...


several recent reports from UFOcasebook

I'm posting these because two concern photographs of the unusual 'boomerang' type UFO, another resembles the UFO 'fleet' video of Horn Lake MS, and the last is a report of yet another triangle:

Boomerang-shaped UFO photographed in unnamed CO location

four different photos of boomerang-ish UFOs in Tamaulipas, Mexico

several self-luminous object snapped in Sedona, AZ

report of a triangle UFO doing very UFO-ish things in Lake Elsinore, CA

UFO videos over Albuquerque - How do we tell the real from the faked?

Question: isn't it time to compile at least the EASY ways to tell if footage is bogus or not? Here are two UFOs filmed over Albuquerque, NM - one quite recent, the other one pretty impressive stuff from a year ago.

Both amateur video ..yikes for the handheld camera, but the footage itself is rather impressive. Not being a photo analyst myself, it would be good to not only have some opinions, but also to start a short list of things we should all be looking for in terms of determining validity of the footage. With vid-capturing cellphones, high-res but cheap video cameras, and otherwise constant accessibility to capture unusual footage in an instant, we'll be 'seeing' more and more video, both real and fake (I have no opinion on these yet). How do separate what IS real and fake, to a first approximation? We'll be culling the best tips in the future, but feel free to post your suggestions in the comments, O great analysts!

Original story for the 2008 video is here


New UFO probe called for by pilots & ex-military officers

a multinational group of former airline pilots and government officials have gathered in the US capital this week to talk about the UFOs (unidentified flying objects) they claim to have seen over the last 30 years and to call for action from the US Government. The group alleges an international cover-up of alien sightings.

OSETI astronomers find their own 'WOW' signal

OSETI is a version of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence that is trying to find Optical signals being sent with laser pulses, figuring that an advanced intelligence will use lasers rather than old-fashioned radio for its communications. While I've had my doubts about SETI, seeing as how its rationale is not only looking for ephemeral needles in very large haystacks, but also betting that the needle owners are extraordinarily careless about their needles.
Nonetheless, these guys found something weird:
in the first week of last December (2008) Bhathal's team detected an unusual strong laser signal that could not have been identified nor did it re-occur since: "It may be a glitch in our equipment, or some astrophysical phenomena (e.g an optical pulsar) or some unknown source. We are still investigating it",

This is OSETI's equivalent to the famous 'WOW' radio signal of the 1970s.

some more sightings in the UK

a computer game developer (hmm, somebody well-versed in photoshop and CG no doubt) snapped some video of an object hovering over Bristol, UK. It's a lone-person sighting so that makes it more suspect, but some interesting video nonetheless.

Some interesting footage of two small spheres messing with a passenger jet over Gorebridge, Scotland.

And further, another object filmed over London, some glowing orbs videoed over Liverpool, and a report of a glowing orange football over Spalding.

several sightings in Wales and Bath, UK

Astronomer reports on rotating orange ball over Bath, England, 5/20/09. Says he knows what venus and lanterns look like, and this was neither. I've started including Google Maps references to sighting locations for the serious researcher. Bath is here.

Another woman in Newton shot some (crappy) video of this object:
"The white object was egg shaped and was spinning on an axis," the 17-year-old told the County Times. "The object was completely silent and was hovering like a glider. There was also a bright orange light at the back."

Another witness from the same place in Wales evening saw something different:
"There were about 20 lights going over in the same direction, they were completely silent and they didn't all go over at once they went over in small groups."

Wales is here.

UFO fleet over Mississippi with helicopters intercepting

this video was shot on 5/20/9 in Horn Lake, Mississippi.

You can see several brightly lit, predominantly stationary objects in the video, one of which appears from nowhere. At the end you can plainly see several helicopters heading towards the formation of lights.
according to a self-described marine corps vet, these aren't flares:
FLARES!?!?!?!LMFAO...I served in the Marine Corps for four years active duty and have seen plenty of flares my friend and those ARE NOT flares. For one they do not sit for that long...they move and they have a trail. You know when you see a flare or flares.

GLOBAL: UFOS we've missed: India

3/21/09.. Sticking on the radar for 15 minutes, an unidentified flying object over Kolkata (Calcutta) India had Indian officials checking with their own Air Force and worrying about terrorists or 'other' alternate flying objects crossing through Indian air space. The only other blip then on the radar was a Cathay Pacific flight - coincidentally communications with this known flight was interrupted while the 'mystery' ufo was also on the screen. An investigation has been ordered...

Personally I like this one, as long-lasting radar blips coupled to communication interference can't be attributed to photographic glitches by some idiot with a cellphone camera unaware of reflections.

Multiple sightings over Vail area, Colorado

MUFON reports from the area include : early AM encounter with craft and entities starting in late April, silvery disks, silent crafts with a photo, hovering disc-shaped crafts with flashing lights, as well as white cigar-shaped sightings...

"The disc appeared to drop a diamond-shaped object that descended to the ground, and then the disc departed at high speed to the northwest."

Overall report at vaildaily.com:

Some individual reports at:
From this nifty site: ufosnw


they're dropping like flies! Crashes in Kazakhstan and Needles CA

The web is abuzz with the news of 3 luminous spheres crashing to earth in Kazakhstan on 5/13/9. The news is all over Russia and The Ukraine.
The elements of the story that stand out and make it seem not just like more orbital debris are that the objects "...were emitting red and green sparks as they descended to earth." and that "...the curious villagers tried to chip the UFOs with a chisel [upon which] colourful sparks flew out but to their astonishment they were unable to mark the objects in any way." There's some lively discussion on Above Top Secret about this case. Also, an update on that case can be found here.

Searching for that led me to another story about yet another crash in in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan on 1/5/9. Apparently there, a local police chief saw a shining flying object falling into the Belaya river early on January 5. Divers found nothing after four attempts, but investigated a "15-meter air hole" whatever that is.
Are the aliens already (unsuccessfully) looking for the ET Embassy they're building there? :D

And that of course led me to more new stuff about the alleged UFO crash in Needles CA last year (2008), just a couple months before the afore-mentioned Japan crash; George Knapp, the NV TV news guy who's broken so many good UFO stories, has this piece.
Essentially the details are these:
Those who saw the object descending, claim that it was of a turquoise color. Any idea of the object being a meteorite was quickly dismissed because of the presence of a number of helicopters, which appeared to be searching for the object. Eyewitnesses claimed that the group of helicopters eventually located the object, and toted it to an unknown location.

The blogosphere is already on to that one, and some interesting commentary on it has already appeared. Some more interesting detail on the witnesses can be found in this blog post. I've give that Knapp guy credit -- he's either a top-notch BS artist, or one ballsy reporter...
The video of the news story on this site, with the full story found here.

UFO crash in Japan?

There's been some flutter on the web lately about a possible UFO crash -- and debris retrieval -- in Japan on 7/16/08.
I've been trying to find more info on this before posting, but there doesn't seem to be much. Nothing, actually! But it's so intriguing I thought I'd post it anyway.
Although in searching for corroboration, I did find this little gem -- a historical document in Japan that appears to be the story of a UFO crash in 19th century feudal Japan! Very interesting. I love the historical stuff, because that basically puts the kibosh on the skeptics who say it's all due to people being influenced by the media. Sadly, i can't seem to find the translated article that the pinktentacle post refers to @ the bottom....


Russian Farmer films luminous UFO over field

Personally I could do without the country-specific bogus background music that allnewsweb or whomever is adding to the videos they post, as it gives an unnecessary burlesque flavor to the evidence that doesn't help anybody trying to discern its authenticity. But this minute+ of video is pretty darn interesting. There was some other interesting vids filmed recently on the allnewsweb site, but the others IMHO are easier to explain away. Self-luminous objects are much harder to pass off as a kite, balloon, chinese lanterns etc. especially on what appears to be a rather dismal overcast day in rural Russia.
Another fun one which I'll just link to is this short video of an alleged UFO over a shopping mall. The problem with these Russian sightings is that the Russians are becoming renowned hoaxers.


Edgar Mitchell UFO revelations

Edgar Mitchell (former Astronaut, 6th man on the moon) in a fascinating interview about the existence of alien life and the reality of alien visitation and government coverup!


more on the turkish UFO

This is a nifty compilation of several of the most interesting Turkish UFO videos, some 20+ minutes worth.

İstanbul / Kumburgaz UFO's and ALIENS ARE BACK in 2008! from fox mulder on Vimeo.

These videos are interesting because several of them have lots of stuff that makes them easy to authenticate, like foreground stuff. They are almost too good to be true, especially the one that shows little dudes or something in the craft! I actually thought, as many people do when seeing these, that they have to be fake; but apparently they have stood up well so far to analysis. If they are authentic, they are absolutely astounding. I had no idea the greys had convertibles. :D
more on these as i have time to research them....


Brazil and Sweden release government UFO files

How come other governments are so much more reasonable than ours?
Brazil, who in the past has released large sections of their government's UFO files to public inspection, has now released another 600 pages worth.

Not to be outdone by a bunch of New World Latinos, Sweden has apparently followed suit with 18k files of their own, including a nice USO diving into a lake. Another link to that: Norrköping

Apparently, there are rumors that the Obama administration will be following suit with the US's files. Personally, i doubt this.

Here's a nice YouTube video of all that...

Engineer sighting of Huge UFO over power station

no video or pix but an interesting report nonetheless.
I like reports by engineers, pilots, policemen, military dudes etc as these are typically no-nonsense types of people who aren't going to go out on a limb and join what they often perceive as the lunatic fringe unless they really saw something that freaked them out.

here's the Google Earth/Maps image of the location; Hmmm, nuclear power station, a UFO favorite....