
spinning triangle thingy over Amsterdam, Netherlands!

This video, if authentic -- which I doubt -- is pretty nifty. It shows some weirdo object spinning over a city (presumably Amsterdam), that then takes off amazingly quickly, doing a nice STNG flash thing. Pretty good fake though, IMHO, although I'd love to be proved wrong about this one (about the fake part)....

two similar quasi-invisible airborne circles

by themselves, neither one of these reports is all that interesting, but I find it curious that within a couple of days of each other, there are these two reports that are so similar as to be very eerie. Both are very subtle circles hanging motionless in the sky, hardly visible....
The first is the one from Kings Dominion, VA, which actually has some video to go with it.
The second, is a single photo that only showed a strange circle when the photographer was looking over his photos after uploading.
By themselves, either of these could be easily dismissed as whatever, but these are 3 days apart, this particular one from Texas. I just found that curious enough to post both of these as a potentially related phenomenon.
Also if you poke around the YouTube video some, you'll find this one, which shows some other similar rings from previous decades, with some more discussion on the 1957 sighting available at UFOCasebook.


3 crisp daytime flying triangle photos

these 3 photos are really sharp and clear; what isn't clear is whether they are something otherworldly or just really advanced military technology...
They were taken in Greenville, South Carolina

flying mexican humanoid thingy -- WTF?

ok this is totally whack. It's all in spanish so i have little enough idea of what the hell they're saying, but the video is definitely a strange one....
lots more weird stuff here too: http://www.para-tube.com


some amazing alleged NASA footage of crashed ancient spacecraft on the moon?

Part I of the footage; includes an audio overlay of the already famous interview with Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, already included in a previous post. The first 7 minutes include some of the harder-to-explain-away space shuttle footage of odd things, including my personal favorite, the one where the object makes a 270 degree turn, accelerates away, and is followed by a flash of light as if something on the ground shot at it; how exactly is that space junk or a camera flare, pray tell?

Part II is IMHO much less convincing, but equally interesting, video/audio combinations, dealing primarily with John Lear, and partly (although sadly cut off) with Richard Hoagland of Face-On-Mars fame. Hoagland is somebody who I actually met, having helped a pal videotape one of his presentations a few years back. While Hoagland has some interesting stuff to talk about, particularly regarding the supposed giant structures on the moon, he's kind of a dick as a person - or he was to me and my pal - which may not have any bearing on the validity of what he's talking about, but makes it more difficult for me to believe him. IMHO assholes are more likely to be big fat liars than non-assholes; purely an emotional bias, I freely admit. I shouldn't confuse the messenger with the message. However I always thought the Face On Mars was hokum. I don't know anything about Lear (if I'm even spelling his name correctly) though I'll try to research him some more in a future post.
part III starts out and ends with the famous Mexican Air Force IR video, which to my thinking is as solid a proof as you could possibly ask for -- objects invisible to the naked eye, captured by military-quality infrared gear, and seen by numerous qualified air force personnel. I ask you, skeptics, if that's not acceptable evidence, WTF is? What evidence would it take to convince you, if any? My guess is that most skeptics wouldn't believe it if the aliens landed on their garage.
The rest of part III deals with the supposed immanence of Disclosure by the U.S. government, which in an earlier post I expressed my doubt as to its likelihood. Governments have a singular dislike of admitting that they've been wrong, especially arrogant, conceited governments like ours. So don't hold your breath. But I'd love to be proved wrong....


Participant reports on the Dulce, NM Conference

Some fascinating reading regarding the heavily attended conference in Dulce, NM about the possibility of an underground alien base or black ops military base, or both, beneath Archuleta Mesa.
Details include multiple witness reports of UFO activity, cattle mutilations, physical evidence of military operations, and perhaps most interestingly, surveillance of conference attendees by unmarked helicopters!
Really worth a look....