
objects seen in Pakistan, Turkey

the video below seems to be a composite of several different videos taken of what was described as a 'huge' object hovering and doing manoeuvres described as 'not of this planet', over Lahore, Pakistan.

Also a hexagonal orange light was filmed by a Turkish Security Guard (Those Turkish security guards have all the luck! :D ) and his on 2 coworkers on April 23 in the early AM:
At first I couldn’t understand what I was witnessing. I saw this large object rising from the sea. It definitely wasn’t a plane or balloon. It was leaving a trail and it was glowing. My hands were shaking from the excitement. As it descended towards the sea I ran to the beach but then it began to rapidly rise eventually merging with the stars. It was hexagonal, orange and fluorescent. As far as I am concerned it was a definitely UFO

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